Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Update - Harry Philip!! Team Big Sexy Racing!!

Well well well, I must say, a lot has happened since I last added to this blog...
In chronological order...
1. I got select to be part of a racing team for 2013. Chris McDonald's inspired Big Sexy Racing!
2. I got a new job. Same parent company, promotion... same pay... for now.
3. My second child came along :) Welcome to the world Harry Philip Smith!
4. Of course Xmas and New Years has been and gone,
5. I've signed up to do my 2nd Sparke Helmore OD race in Newcastle, NSW,
6...and last but not least I am now heavy in training for my second crack at Ironman Australia.

To touch on some of the above... this time in importance:
Harry Philip Smith! Welcome to the world champ. What a blessing it is to have 2 little boys growing up side by side only 21months apart. Wee Eli is not so wee anymore and is just about to turn 2, while Harry has just hit 2 months.
Happy, healthy, little Harry came out a little smaller than Eli and 2 weeks early... which meant he came out smack bang on MY Birthday! Really, who can ask for a better birthday present than that... would have been nice for him to come some time in the afternoon rather than in the dark hours of the morning, but I'm not complaining at all... I have 2 boys!
All the thanks in the world to my wife Amanda who did a brilliant job and gave me the best present of all.

Thats number 1 out of the way... everything else comes equal second.
I do have a new job... its closer to home for me. Well, geographically its the same, but traffic and travel wise, it is a lot closer. I now leave for work 30mins later and I get home an hour earlier some days. More training time in the morning and more family time at night :)

Big Sexy Racing - I will touch on this on a separate post. In short, I submitted an application to be part of an Elite Amateur Team for 2013... Big Sexy Racing... and I got in, alongside my good friend, Matt Porta.

Ironman Australia beckons. Hard in training already... its been interesting trying to get my training and sleep, and family time, and work all fitted into one day, but I am managing, albeit I am on the little tired side of things at the end of my first full training block. Thanks be that this week is a rest week and I can recover a little with some lighter loads and longer sleeps... back to it next week. Already though... leaner, fitter, faster than this time last year. My swim is taking some time to get back to Ironman 2012 levels, but we will get there.

Before Ironman though, I have my only planned race (so far) on March 10. The Sparke Helmore Olympic Distance Triathlon in Newcastle, NSW. I did this very same race last year in order to break up the long training hours and give me some race practice, and it worked out well with me coming a surprising 2nd in my Age Group. So, I am having another crack. Different tactics this year, we'll see how it goes... no pressure to perform though, as I said; practice for the big one.

Club races so far are my only planned races before Ironman. I've done 3 so far and finished top 4 in all 3. I was placed 2nd on the Club ladder but missed the last race of the series and have dropped back to 4th. Onwards to February's race... it would be nice to get some silverware from CCTri for the garage.

Anyhoo, thats all to report. A more detailed report on BSR and its sponsors (all now listed on the blog) coming ASAP.

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