On Sunday, December 11, 2011 anything that could go wrong did go wrong.
At the end of the day, it was a huge case of putting in the training required and getting yourself in a good position to get a great result and then….boom!
Unlike Nepean ’s "what if?" where I know the parts I can improve on my race in order to get the position… this one is just a huge "what if" based on performance of both myself and mechanics.
Errors were made… and while I’m all for learning from errors… do they have to come on miserable torrential rain days, where you have a 5 hour drive home on a Sunday night, with everything wet… and being in one of your big races for the year… an Ironman 70.3 no less????
….Give me “lessons learnt” at club races next time please!!!
Ok, as the disappointment is still there with this race, I probably haven’t got the energy to write something as comprehensive as I normally would… however I’ll give it a go.
The week preceding the race was good. I’d done some good sets and solid training sessions in the few weeks prior to the race and post Nepean … I’d even run and won my first Club race ever… so spirits were high. I was confident; I’d done a few 90-100km ride / 15-20km run combs on the weekends with great results… perfect I thought. I’m ready to give this a shake and try and go top 15 with a PB.
As we travelling down the motorways on the 4 to 5 hour trip to Canberra , I could see the clouds building ominously on the horizon. It stayed relatively and surprisingly clear though so I had some hopes of decent weather. The afternoon down there was ok... sunny patches including searching for the shade with Andrew Mildren at the race brief... however during race brief we were warned... "at some stage in tomorrow's race, you WILL get rained on... all we ask, is that you be careful!" Awesome. I remained hopeful regardless of the resoluteness of the forecast..
The morning of the race was peaceful enough. Unfortunately it was going to be too difficlut for Amanda to get everything ready and have Eli packed and fed in time to leave at the same time as I had to for Transition, so they stayed in while I got ready and crept out the door and hasilty walked through town on my 20min amble to the race location. Turns out it would have been the better option for her though as I believe she had a terrible time packing up the car on her own with a 9month old wanting all her attention as well... poor lass. The weather for my walk was fine and there were clear patches to look at hopefully as I wandered through the remaining hundred or 2 struggling (or strong) revellers from the night that was... I got wished well by a copper on crowd duties and was feeling pretty good to go.
Swim was ok… wetsuit swim. Bit choppy as the rain started to belt down mid swim, but overall, it wasn’t too bad. Dirty water though, couldn’t see the ground for love or money and the grit in the water actually caused me to get a huge burn / graze on the back of my neck from my wetsuit which stung most of the way… more vasso in murky waters perhaps? A minor inconvenience… but little did I know it was just the start… Anyhoo, I just ignored it and swam on. Anything under my Vegas swim of 42 mins was the goal here… however realistically, I just wanted to go under 38mins… 2 mins per k. I can do it in the pool so no reason why I cant here… especially with a wetsuit on. Swim, all good. Out of the water in 35mins + and the run to the T1 line stopped the clock in the 36’s. Happy enough.
Got on the bike and immediately (despite going over my entire bike during the week and while checking in the afternoon before), my saddle flopped forward... and I mean, immediately. Unrideable. I got off, spent some time getting my allen key out of the tightly packed gear bag behind the saddle (which I ingeniously had my bike sticker wrapped over), fixed it and got back on. Rode no more than 600m and felt the saddle sticking into me where I don’t really want it to… so off I get, get the tool again and re-position and tighten. Back on and riding again…Looked at the Garmin… 1.2km done in 6+mins… nearly 7min… great start.
Interesting course… some nice hills to get up, but I didn’t find it too bad as I don’t mind getting out of the saddle and grinding away…. I overtook heaps doing this. Never understood why so many stay in the saddle on short sharp climbs like this one or Matthew Flinders in Port when I feel it so much easy to just get up and go? Anyhoo, I digress…The downhills were steep at times… however they were offset a little from the wet roads. I tried to fly down them, but I’ve never been too confident on a wet road so I took it safely. Not too bad though and I made up plenty of time after the wasted start and did the first 30km in 55:40mins in the end. The second 30km was uneventful. No rain, but roads still very wet. Second lap was done in roughly 52 – 53min mins. I figured I was on target for a 2:40 or just under with a strong 3rd lap? On the 3rd lap though, disaster struck… 2 flat rear tyres. Not at the same time though so not from debris I’d left in the tyres… just rotten luck. Both rear tyres too… bike upside down stuff! Debris on the road from the rain, I must have just gone over some glass or something as I didn’t see anything either time. I had however, already ridden over bottle cages, pumps, spare tyres, bottles… you name it, due to the heavy rain, it was on the road! There was so many people walking back to the start and pulling out on the bike course. It was incredible! After I fixed the 2nd flat, I started riding and I heard a clicking noise down the back. I didn’t want my bike to fall apart so I got off and checked it out… nothing more than a bit of tape on the wheel that I use as a valve cover… took about a minute to locate and fix though as for some reason I didn’t just spin the wheel when I got off… so much time wasted! In the end it was only 88km on the bike and I finished in 2:50 or so… 10mins down on where I thought I would eventually get after the saddle mishap… and 10-15mins down on what I believe was possible. I really was just a massive waste of time getting on my bike today!
Get back to transition and another lesson learnt… if it looks like rain, cover shoes, or turn them upside down at the very least. Runners soaked, socks felt like they had been thrown in the lake. I look at both and I choose no socks. Why did I not cover them??? I’ve done it at least 5 times at Club races… and that’s just when the sky is looking grey and not actually raining!
Immediately I feel it… blisters. I could only really feel one, so I blocked it out and just kept running… Doing a good clip at about 3:55 per km I felt like my target of 1:25 was easily within grasp…even at 10km I was still tracking easily at just a shade under 4min per km pace. At 4min per km for 21km, that’s 1:24 so I still had a minute to spare. I eased up just a touch and started going at 4:03’s. By 12.5km-13km, event number 2 for the run… stomach cramps… agonising stomach cramps. I tried to keep running, but I aint Crowie or Macca and couldn’t get more than a few kms in, in such a painful state. T3!! Disaster and boy was I pissed off! I checked out the feet while T’ing and saw the blister damage too… awesome. That done, I came out and started running with attempted speed again… although I’d lost a little in the legs from stopping and was now going about 4:15 – 4:20’s… 1:25 was gone with the dunny stop… but even more so as I’d lost my legs and knew they would probably get slower from here on... just like a Saturday afternoon or morning when you stop finish a session... try getting up and running at the same pace again... it just doesn’t happen that often does it. I tried to speed up but the damage was done. Got pains again at about 17km but I just thought bugger it, you’re not stopping again… so I rain in pain for the remainder of the race… constantly thinking I should just stop and pull out… hey, my race is buggered already so why bother! Anyhoo, I didn’t and plugged away in what was still a decent run time in 1:33’s. Approaching the line, Amanda and Eli were waiting near the banner… seeing the smiles on their faces erased everything the course threw at me for a split second and all was good. A cheeky kiss for both and through I went. Upon crossing the line, I got my towel, had my chip taken and went straight through the exit tent to the potaloos…
All in all, I had hoped to be top 15. I actually still finished 44th with all that wasted time, when I thought in the wash up that I’d be around 70th or 80th… even over 100th. The wet weather was a real equaliser and when I was actually racing unaffected by anything, I felt good and was making heaps of ground on everyone. Not one soul overtook me on the run… well except for when I was in the loo… and I still equalled my fasted ever 70.3 half marathon in the 1:33’s… and that’s with a loo break and a very slow 2nd half of the run due to cramps… I ended 24 mins from my coveted 15th… so maybe it was too loftier goal when my highest 70.3 finish thus far is a 33rd (excluding 6th from Port Mac in May)? I’d love to go back and tackle that b*tch again next year as I reckon I could k*ll it once and for all… but we’ll see what next year brings. All in all it was a very tough day for Amanda with Eli and the pouring rain so I think I’ll have to earn double points to get her to agree to this trek again for the next few years… but as said, we’ll see.
Last but not least was the weather… deplorable weather for a race. Awful for the competitor and awful for the spectator. As said above, poor Amanda had a very tough time watching the race with Eli… even after the race, when I finished and was getting ready to get changed… massive downpour.. with nowhere to hide. We all got soaked!
Whats next??? Falls Creek, VIC is the next stop in February where we’ll be camping in our new tent, then the Sparke Helmore Olympic Distance, Newcastle in March… then after that its all guns out for Port Mac in May.
oh, the stomach cramps? nothing learnt...
Didn’t try anything new.. perhaps there was one ingredient in the spag bol my aunty cooked that didn’t agree with the stomach? Usually I’m made of sterner stuff than that though and can eat anything without too much trouble… but yesterday I dunno, it just could have been anything… dodgy old drink bottle (you know how you grab your cr*p ones to discard in these races)? Not quite cleaned fruit? Something off? Dodgy Lake BG water? Anything… all I know is it was painful and seeing as I am not Crowie or TGE I just couldn’t continue blocking it out as much as I tried to. I tried to hide it behind the OJB's and clenched jaw but was eventually beaten down in the end! The murky LBG water seems the most plausible at this stage… so nothing I could have helped I guess.
Other lessons? Cover shoes, wear socks in these conditions, triple check tyres, don’t put race sticker over saddle bag, triple check saddle position and tightness, more Vaseline when the water conditions look less than clear… or change the wetsuit cord positioning? don’t forget to fix valve cover tape after changing a tyre in a race… and I’m sure there’s many more I’ve missed that went wrong on the day!!